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Journey into the autistic world.

Monday, April 08, 2013

Updates on "A Mother's Wish" Upcoming Events

In this "A Mother's Wish" update, I would highlight the important upcoming events that I hope you would participate or share with others who could be interested.

1. Strategy Get-Together (Sunday, May 12th, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Orchard, please RSVP by May 5th via this email or SMS 8163-4509)

In recent days, I have been working on establishing a non-profit organisation in my hope of creating a pilot programme of affordable quality programming for youths and adults with moderate to severe autism. To make this possible, I need to identify committed stakeholders — families with autistic children/siblings, service providers, and interested parties —  to form a core group in order to raise funds and ensure the long-term sustainability of “A Mother’s Wish” Community. 

"A Mother's Wish" campaign is about creating a community of people who would be willing to collaborate and establish a service delivery model for the extraordinary, but challenging, youths and adults in our midst, which would last long after some of us caregivers have passed on. This campaign is also about changing the mentality of the Singapore society -- providing programming for this population should NOT be a charitable initiative, but a social service. If we really want to make this happen, we need to come together and contribute to the best of our ability. 

If you cannot make this get-together, but are interested, please contact me anyway, and I would be happy to meet and speak with you separately. 

2. First FREE Public Outreach Event (in conjunction with Olive Tree Development Centre): Glimpse into An Unusual World — Raising Loved Ones with Autism (Sunday, April 28, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Novena, please RSVP by April 14th via this email or SMS 8163-4509)

To learn more about "A Mother's Wish" and connect with me in person, another possibility is this FREE event where I will be one of the two speakers. To learn more about the programming of this event and the venue, please click here.

3. Update on Affordable and Practical Workshops for Caregivers and Educators of individuals with autism [New tentative start date: Monday, May 6, 7:30-10:30 p.m. ($60 per 3-hour session), Orchard, RSVP by April 22nd]

Thus far, most of the people who have responded have show interest in the two-session workshop on behavioural management: Tough Love I (fundamental principles and application of behavioural management) & II (managing autistic adolescents). However, we still don't have enough numbers to run the workshop. I have thus pushed back the date for the first workshop toMay 8 see whether the numbers will increase for this workshop or any others. So do let others know. 

Workshop Topics:

THE MAGIC OF SCAFFOLDING: Everyone Can Learn! A Workshop on Formulating and Implementing Individualised Learning Activities (two 3-hour sessions)
TOUGH LOVE I & II: The ABC  Model and the R.E.S.T. Protocol— Systematic and Tactical Behavioural Management. A Two-Part Workshop on Formulating and Implementing Behavioural Management (two 3-hour sessions)
BEYOND WORDS: Interaction Strategies to Connect and Build Relationships: Let’s get to know each other! A Workshop on Interaction and Building Relationships (one 3-hour session)
SELF-CARE AND DAILY LIVING: Leading a Life of Dignity! A Workshop on Cultivating Self-Care and Life Skills (one 3-hour session)
Open Your Heart, Open Your Mind: Raising Your Special Child. A Workshop for Caregivers on Thriving on Their Caregiving Journey (one 3-hour session)

Please feel free to share this email with others who may be interested.

Much appreciated,

Kah Ying


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