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Journey into the autistic world.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Awakening Minds Update Featuring Article on Caring for Loved Ones with Manic Depression

Dear everyone:

In this Awakening Minds update, I would like to focus on the mental wellness component of Awakening Minds (www.awakeningminds.sg, Mental Wellness tab): my book, Five Little White Pills... And Then There Were None: A Journey from Manic Depression to Recovery, my individualised consultation service and my brand new article, "Guardian Angels of Tough Love: Caring for Loved ones with Manic Depression." It illuminates the importance for caregivers to act with firmness and strength in their endeavour to help their loved ones to return to a life of normalcy.

1. I would like to promote my book, Five Little White Pills... And Then There Were None: A Journey from Manic Depression to Recovery (Armour Publishing, 2009). More than just an inspiring depiction about my struggle and my steps towards my medication-free life, while raising my autistic son, this book also offers practical tips for helping sufferers of manic depression and their caregivers to manage the condition at various phases of their journey. This book may be found at Kinokuniya Orchard (please do call to ensure that the book is available), or you can email me and I will mail you an autographed copy of book to you upon receipt of payment (cheque, Internet bank transfer, Paypal). The book is priced at SD$16.00 (+mailing costs; for Singapore, the total cost will be $18.55).

(To learn more about this book and see a picture of the cover, please go to www.awakeningminds.sg, Books tab, and email me atchoo.kahying@awakeningminds.com.sg.)

2. Apart from publishing my book and creating this Website, I have also felt that I could even better help sufferers of mood disorders (manic depression and depression) by providing an affordable individualised, home-based consultation service. Currently, sufferers and caregivers rely upon medication, therapy (once a week or with less frequency) and periodic consultations with psychiatrists. However, many sufferers may still be struggling with managing their condition on a day-to-day basis in between their sessions. There are many things that they need to do on their own in order to return to sound mental health. As an individual who continues to manage my condition without the aid of medication on a daily basis, this is a concern that I am intimately acquainted with. Thus, I hope that my consultation service can empower sufferers and their caregivers with the practical steps necessary for them to return to normalcy, with my customised life programmes for them. If interested, please email me at choo.kahying@awakeningminds.sg.

3. In my brand new article, "Guardian Angels of Tough Love: Caring for Loved ones with Manic Depression", I strive to empower caregivers to recognise their importance in enabling their loved ones to manage their manic depression effectively. More specifically, caregivers need to act firmly even in the face of strong resistance from their loved ones caught up in their struggle with their illness. Here is an excerpt of this article:

"Manic depression can best be likened to a roller coaster in which sufferers plumb the depths of despair and scale the heights of euphoria. More than just an extreme form of sadness, depression is a state of mental and emotional paralysis that depletes the sufferers’ ability to think, feel and live. For them, each day only holds forth the painful prospect of having to go through the motions of life without any meaning or purpose. Then, without their knowing, sufferers experience a gradual lifting of their spirits to normalcy that deludes them with the false promise of recovery, before they are propelled to the manic state...

However, the caregiver role that I most want to focus on is the role of the caregiver as the “guardian angel of tough love”. This particular role often poses the greatest challenge to caregivers. As guardian angels of tough love, caregivers take on the awesome responsibility of doing whatever is within their power to motivate and steer their loved ones towards recovery."

(To read the entire article, please go to www.awakeningminds.sg, Media Tab, Articles on Manic Depression)

4. Finally, I am pleased to inform you that my article, "Special People and Us", was published in the Review Section of The Straits Times (January 23, 2010), under the title, "The Special Road to Happiness."). I hope to be able to have more of my writings published in the local media in order to reach out to a greater audience and raise public awareness on issues related to special needs and mental illnesses.

Until the next time, here's wishing all of you the best for your life journey as you strive towards physical, mental and emotional wellness....

Best regards,

Kah Ying
Creator of Awakening Minds.sg
+65 81634509


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