A Wrapup of AMW's June Holiday Programme for Participants with Autism
Dear everyone:
In June, A Mother's Wish (AMW) ran our second holiday programme for participants with autism, aged 6 to 20! Special thanks go out to the participants, families/helpers, volunteers (particularly my friend, Cheow Ping, who served as our photographer!), and service providers who came together to make this holiday programme a huge success!
1. Scroll down a little for our August update at www.awakeningminds.sg to get a concise summation about the holiday programme.
To go directly to our day-by-day description of the holiday programme with photos, please go to: http://www.awakeningminds. sg/a_mothers_wish_june_2014. html.
2. A Mother's Holiday programme is partially subsidised by A Mother's Wish Fund. My autistic son, Sebastien, has been donating 30% of the sales of his water color paintings to the fund. Do check out his art works at Sebastien's "Raw Art Series: http://www.awakeningminds.sg/sebs_raw_art.html. Paintings range in price from $100 to $800. Do check out our win-win proposition for fundraising with Sebastien's paintings in the August update.
3. Finally, Jerome, my boyfriend and fellow AMW director, have been hard at work to help me to revamp my Website. Though it is still a work-in-progress, the three interconnected entities — Awakening Minds, Sebastien's Raw Art, and A Mother's Wish (AMW), especially AMW — are now neatly organised in their own "homes". Please do take a look at our tidier look: www.awakeningminds.sg.
You can also take a tour around the revamped "A Mother's Wish" here: http://www.awakeningminds.sg/amw/a_mothers_wish.html
Please do forward this email to others who may be interested to support our cause, tell families with autism, volunteer for our holiday programmes. Learn how you can participate here: http://www.awakeningminds.sg/amw/participate/how_to.html
Best regards,
Kah Ying
There is no such thing as "autism". Psychiatry itself is a bogus science. The following articles and essays explain this:
12 Part essay that exposes psychiatry as a bogus science
Inventor of ADHD: “ADHD is a fictitious disease”
Co-Founder of DSM admits there is no way to scientifically prove that mentall illness is real
One year old babies and younger being put on psychiatric drugs
Psychiatric Drugs Shorten Life Span by 15 years on average
Psychiatry is based on lies and falsehoods
Psychiatry is a fake science
Every human emotion is now a "mental illness"
Ten Myths about Psychiatric Drugs
Studies show psychiatric drugs have no benefits and are dangerous
Psychiatry is now giving 3 year old children drugs
Psychiatric drugs make you sicker
A few free eBooks talking about how psychiatry is a massive hoax
A list of THOUSANDS of psychiatrists who have committed crimes against their patients
Anonymous, at 4:33 PM
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