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Journey into the autistic world.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Announcing the formation of my new company, Awakening Minds©

Hi everyone:

With the arrival of the new year of 2009, I am pleased to announce the creation of my new company, Awakening Minds©. It brings together all the work that I have done since my return to Singapore 3.5 years from the U.S. -- my homeschooling work with Sebastien (curriculum design and implementation); publications of articles and books; workshops and consultations with teachers and parents. With the publication of my most recent book, Five Little White Pills... And Then There Were None: A Journey from Manic Depression to Recovery, my platform for my advocacy of the 'special people' of society (people with developmental disorders and mental disorders -- victims of social stigmatisation) is complete. 

In creating Awakening Minds©, my new company, I am striving to not only “awaken” the minds of students with special needs, but also to “awaken” the minds of caregivers – parents and educators/professionals. With this “awakening”, I hope that they can discover the joy and embrace the challenge of interacting with their students with special needs. Thus, individuals with special needs can have a fighting chance not only to survive, but to shine in mainstream society

Before delving further into my company, I would like to tell you a little myself so that you may understand the origins of Awakening Minds© .


My name is Choo Kah Ying. I am a homeschooler of an autistic child and a former sufferer of manic-depression. Both of these conditions have shaped the trajectory of my life and sculpted the landscape of my character. Just as significantly, I have applied both my background as an academic researcher and my life experiences to my work in the field of education from curriculum design to implementation.

Over the last 3.5 years, since my return from the U.S., I have produced articles and books, as well as conducted workshops and consultations, in the area of autism and special needs. I would like to thank the following schools for taking a leap of faith in me by hiring me to conduct workshops and/or consultations: Evergreen Primary School, Paya Lebar MGS (Primary), Yangzheng Primary School, Bukit Timah Primary School, Qihua Primary School, and Delta Senior School. The National Book Development Council of Singapore (NBDCS) has also been instrumental in bringing together teachers from all types of schools in one room for my language acquisition and storywriting workshops.

Through these experiences, I have come to realise that what distinguishes me from most professionals is that I am able to move beyond the “typical mindset” to have an in-depth understanding of people with special needs. More fascinated than frustrated by individuals with special needs, I am passionate about my ever-evolving quest for new strategies and approaches for teaching students with special needs.

The Heart and Soul of Awakening Minds©

Awakening Minds©  comprises two major segments: Education and Mental Health. Through various types of innovative publications, educational materials, workshops and consultations, I hope to inspire and challenge 'special people' and their caregivers (family and professionals) with new insights and effective strategies of interaction. Ultimately, my objective is to open the hearts and transforms the minds of all people so that they can transcend their own limitations and celebrate diversity in their midst.  

Thus, I am most excited to introduce Awakening Minds©‘s comprehensive list of affordable publications and workshops. 

 Awakening Minds© Education (Emphasis on Special Education)

 Learning Tools and Publications (All products can be customised)

The Words, Pictures, Story! (WPS!) Series

1. ________ (name of a dog chosen by child) Saved the Day! (20pp, SD$12/copy)


This is a story template that transforms the writing process into a fun, creative and guided learning experience.

 2. ________ (name of a dog chosen by child) Saved the Day! Spin-Off Exercises (17pp, SD$10/copy)


This is a workbook of language exercises/activities that accompany the story template. The following categories are included: reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and creative project.


This version of WPS! is tailored specifically to the learning objectives of the school and the needs of the students.

 Cost: Depends on customisation of materials

Innovative Learning Aids

They include: laminated alphabets, numbers, words, pictures and storybooks, along with laminated mats, as well as accompanying suggestions for usage to support learning.

 Cost: Depends on customisation of materials

My Books

 1. All Because of the Hummingbird or the Horse (self-published, 2006, SD$10.00)

An illustrated picture book targeted at students between the ages of 6 and 8, this book encourages children to be kind to their peers with autism.

2. Raising Sebastien: Realising Your Autistic Child’s Potential (Marshall Cavendish, 2006, SD$16.00)

A caregiver training manual with a heart, this book presents my understanding of autism and the early development of my perceptions and teaching strategies.

3. Five Little White Pills… And Then There Were None: A Journey from Manic Depression to Recovery (Armour Publishing, 2009, SD$16.00)

This is an inspirational and practical book of my recovery from manic depression to lead a medication-free life. How I have been able to raise my autistic child in the midst of my recovery process will be enlightening to all parents and teachers.


Workshop Titles and Description

Cost and Duration

The Special Needs Series: Rise to the Challenge, Reach for the Stars

1. Odyssey into an Unusual Mind -- Faces of Autism: An in-depth and practical understanding of the diverse profiles of autism and its complexity.

2. It is not Rocket Science! -- Teaching Special Students: Practical strategies for working with students with autism and special needs: social/communication, academic, sensory and behavioural management strategies.

 3. Diagnose, Design, Execute and Evaluate -- From Problem to Solution: Design and implementation of Functional Behavioural Assessments (FBAs) to address challenges of individual students within the classroom setting.

 4. “Engage My Mind”-- The Nuts and Bolts of Creating and Implementing an Effective Lesson: Design and implementation of differentiated and effective lesson plans for classroom settings with students with special needs.


Each of the workshops described is 3 hours long.


Schools are responsible for: providing the venue; making copies of the handouts; and providing AVA support.

Please contact us for costs -- all rates are negotiable based on packaging of training programme.

For parents and teachers, sponsored by the school

Forging a Bridge of Collaboration between Educators and Parents of Autistic Students: Strategies for how parents and teachers can collaborate to enhance the performance of the students involved.


Same as above

The Words, Pictures, Story! (WPS!) Series

1. Language Learning Strategies for Emerging Readers/Writers with Autism and/or Language Processing Difficulties: Overview of the use of simple, but innovative language learning tools and educational materials to teach students with language processing difficulties.

2. Words, Pictures, Story! (WPS!) – Writing My First Story: In-depth presentation of the nuts and bolts of the language tool of the WPS! for writing and language learning.

3. Realising the Full Potential of WPS! – Creating Spin-Off Language Exercises/Activities: Creation of spin-off language exercises related to the story templates to foster greater language development, which match teachers’ language objectives.

4. WPS! – From Literacy to Mathematics: In-depth application of WPS! concepts and tool in other disciplines with a focus on mathematics.

Same as above


Activity and Description


1. Conducting Functional Behavioural Assessments for targeted students;

2. Behavioural management for classroom;

3. Application of the use of WPS! tools;

4. Facilitation meeting between parents and school

(min. 2 hours)




Targeted at homeschooling parents of children with special needs, this set of WPS! templates and workbooks can support parents in building literacy, numeracy and life skills.

There also additional learning materials that can be created to address the unique sensory needs and learning preferences of children with special needs. As children with special needs have unique strengths and weaknesses, they will benefit from a customised learning programme that matches their interests and learning preferences.

2-hour Consultation: SD$100.00 + Transportation costs

WPS! Homeschooling Package: Dependent on the size and complexity of the overall programme as well as educational materials.

Other Types of Consultations

I will also continue to provide home-based consultation services for families with autism. In these consultations, I adopt a holistic approach by collaborating with caregivers in the families to determine and devise a customised programme for the child with autism. 

2-hour Consultation: SD$100.00 + Transportation costs (upto $20.00)

Awakening Minds© Mental Wellness

As it is my objective to make my talks and workshops most meaningful and relevant, each of the following topics can be customised and modified in terms of content and format to cater to the audience/participants.

 Talks will be highly interactive with demonstrations and Q & A sessions.

 Workshops will be designed to elicit maximum participation from the participants with a series of hands-on activities. Participants will have the chance to identify practical and effective strategies. They should leave with a game plan for incorporating these practices into their lives.

Workshop Titles and Description

Cost and Duration

Patient Empowerment and Recovery (These workshops are also ideal for Public Education.)


1.       Rising Above the Odds: My Journey from Manic Depression to Recovery: A personal and inspirational sharing of my 15-year journey from the roller coaster years of manic depression to the stability of medication and eventual recovery.

2.       The True Meaning of Recovery: On the Road towards Mental Wellness: An informative exploration of the recovery process from taking medication responsibly to leading a fulfilling medication-free life.

3.       The Courage to Stand Up and Speak Out: Combating the Stigma of Mental Illness in Mainstream Society: A provocative discussion about the head-on confrontation with the stigmatisation of mental illness in the society.

4.       The Ultimate Cure: Finding Your Authentic Self and Achieving Mental Wellness: An intimate glimpse into the importance of living the life you are meant to live as a means to achieving mental wellness. (This workshop is also ideal for Schools.)


1.       Reaching for the Light at the End of the Tunnel: Practical Steps towards Recovery: A comprehensive exploration and application of the approaches, strategies and activities that can pave the way towards a fulfilling life (medication-free or not).

2.      Life after Manic Depression: Practicing a Medication-Free Life with Discipline, Passion and Mindfulness: A comprehensive programme for the maintenance of a fulfilling life with opportunities to identify and practice effective strategies. Participants should leave with a game plan for incorporating these practices into their lives.

Focused, Activity-Oriented Workshops

While the above workshops are comprehensive with a strong element of discussion, each of the workshops below focuses on specific components of the programme of recovery (highlighted in Workshop 2 from above). This focus, with a strong hands-on element, will enable participants to learn and practice strategies during the workshop in greater depth and detail.

1.    Finding Your Authentic Self and Achieving Mental Wellness: Embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery through journaling and revealing discussions, and connect with your authentic self. When you are leading a life that is true to your nature, there is no room for mental illness.

2.    The Alternative Way to Physical and Mental Wellness: Healing Without Side Effects: Create your own health regimen that allows you to exercise your body and relax your mind in creative ways. Learn about Taebo, acupressure, conscious breathing, as well as how you can incorporate them into your life without overloading your schedule. 

3.   Writing and Dancing the Blues Away*: Seize the chance to learn about and apply my favourite strategies for keeping the blues away: writing and dancing (or moving to music). Be prepared to write, share, move and laugh!

* This workshop can be modified to movements/exercise if participants feel uncomfortable with dancing.

Caregivers: The Unsung Heroes

 Caring with Sanity: A Workshop for Caregivers, the Unsung Heroes: With a strong support group component, this workshop is designed to provide caregivers with the opportunity to share their concerns and hopes. The latter half of the workshop will focus on: a) suggestions and ways for caregivers to care for their loved ones without succumbing to stress; and b) carving a space of peace for themselves.

 Public Education

 Debunking the Myths of Mental Illness! (Talk): A provocative talk to address the common societal misperceptions of mental illnesses and the mentally ill, and to identify ways for the public to overcome their fears.


On the Brink of Adulthood: Stressors and Strategies (Talk or Workshop): Faced with the stressors of adjusting to adulthood, many youths experience their first episode of depression or manic-depression during their university years. What students as well as their caregivers can do to ease this challenging transition will also be discussed.

In a workshop format, students will have the opportunity to explore and identify their concerns. They will also be able to map out ideas and strategies to help them to ease their transition.

Transcending Depression: Insights, Strategies and Suggestions Towards Mental Wellness (Teachers’ Edition – Talk or Workshop): Customised for teachers, this workshop provides an informative overview of depression. How teachers can cope with their own depression or help others such as colleagues and their students within the context of the school setting will also be addressed.  

In a workshop format, there will be diverse activities and opportunities for teachers to formulate specific ideas and apply them to their unique situations.




Cost and duration of talks and workshops will depend on:


a. Availability of venue, AVA support and printing of handouts.*


b. Duration of talk (min. 1 hour)


c. Transport costs


d. All costs are negotiable.













Cost of talks and workshops will depend on:


a. Availability of venue, AVA support and printing of handouts.*


b. Duration of talk (min. 1 hour)


c. Transport costs


d. All costs are negotiable.



 I welcome further inquiries on any of my publications and workshops, and provide additional materials. Please feel free to contact me @ kchoo7@gmail.com, +658163-4509.

I sincerely hope that you will join with me as we embark on this journey of "awakening" to the best of ourselves so as to make the world a better place for all.