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Journey into the autistic world.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Wee Care’s Fundraising Event for Children in Need and A Mother’s Wish for Autistic Individuals

Wee Care’s Fundraising Event for Children in Need and A Mother’s Wish

We are pleased to announce the participation of A Mother’s Wish Pte. Ltd. (AMW) in Wee Care’s annual fundraising event to raise funds for AMW and additional funds for their charitable organisations through a silent auction.

Please see the attached poster for information on how you can attend and support Wee Care’s key fundraising event (“Storytelling Beyond Walls 2014”, Oct 25 & 26) for four charitable organisations that help children in need.

AMW is a social enterprise dedicated to subsidising and running holiday programmes (http://www.awakeningminds.sg/amw/holiday_activities.html) for individuals with autism (particularly those in the moderate-severe range). It is our dream to create a community that provides programmes all-year-round.

At the “Storytelling Beyond Walls 2014” event, you will get a chance to bid for 25 water colour paintings produced by Sebastien, my 18-year-old autistic son (please contact me to get the Powerpoint presentation of the paintings, price range: $120-$400), starting from 4 p.m. on both days. If there are any other pieces from his works (http://www.awakeningminds.sg/sebs_raw_art.html) that you would prefer to be included in this selection, do let us know ahead of time and I can bring it on the day.

A paper will be placed next to each painting, with the minimum sales price, for you to write down your bid. Any amount above the minimum sales price will go towards Wee Care’s beneficiaries.

Please note that 30% of the minimum sales price will go towards AMW fund, with the remaining 70% of the sales going towards Sebastien, the artist with autism, for his challenging future. 

At the end of Wee Care’s performance, we will be announcing the winners of the bids for the paintings. Please contact me for the images of the paintings ahead of time for your perusal so that you would be able to make cash payments on the day

To learn more about Sebastien and me, please view MediaCorp’s “Joy Truck”, Episode 8, aired in July 2013:

Thursday, October 09, 2014

AMW's 3rd Holiday Programme for Individuals with Moderate to Severe Autism, Deadline november 7

Dear everyone:

I am excited to announce our third “A Mother’s Wish”(AMW) Holiday Programme for individuals with moderate to severe autism. The AMW fund (comes from 30% of the sales of the paintings of Sebastien, my autistic son) and the families of the participants will share in the costs.

Through the holiday programmes, we hope to offer an experience of AMW’s model of collective caregiving that spreads the responsibility of caring for individuals with autism across the community.
 It is our dream to create a community that provides affordable quality programmes for youths and adults with moderate to severe autism all-year-round.

Concise Overview

·      Eight activities (November 28th – December 11th)
·      Only activities with six participants will run. Targeted participants — individuals with moderate to severe autismaged 6 and above.
Priority will be given to participants who sign up for three or more activities.
·      Duration: Typically 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. [approx. 2 hours programming & 1-hour travel time].
·      Public transport component: Participants will travel by public transport, under supervision (1 assistant/volunteer: 1 participant), to participate in ONE activity on each day of the holiday programme. 
·      A fun review worksheet will be provided to each participant at the end of the activity. From previous experience, we have found that this is a more “fun” way to get the participants to practise academic learning skills.

Scheduled Activities:

  • Friday, Nov 28thFitness — Football
  • Monday, Dec 1stLifeskills — Baking I
  • Tuesday, Dec 2ndFitness — Functional Training
  • Wednesday, Dec 3rdLife Skills and Creative Arts — Building a Miniature Garden
  • Thursday, Dec 4thCreative Arts — Drama and Movement
  • Monday, Dec 8thLifeskill — Baking II
  • Tuesday, Dec 9thCreative Arts — Embodied Movement
  • Thursday, Dec 11thLifeskills — Assembling an IKEA item and colouring 
To read more about the individual activity, please click here

To learn more about the service providers, please click here.

Cost: $40 per day

Deadline: To reserve a spot, please contact us for a registration form. Please return the completed form AND make payment no later than November 7th, preferably beforehand.  
A receipt will be issued to you. Should there be any cancellations, due to unforeseen circumstances or a lack of participants, payment will be refunded to you promptly. Please feel free to send this email to others who may be interested.

Best regards,

Kah Ying

Monday, October 06, 2014

Newly Released Art of Jean-Sebastien Choo, an artist with autism

Dear everyone: 

Please check out the "Newly Released" water colour paintings of Jean-Sebastien Choo (Sebastien), my 18-year-old son with moderate autism. We have also revamped the rest of the portfolios: http://www.awakeningminds.sg/sebs_raw_art.html. These highly affordable paintings range in price from $100-$800. 

We have been contributing 30% of the sales of the water colour paintings to A Mother’s Wish Pte. Ltd. (AMW) — a social enterprise that I have established, which is dedicated to subsidising and running activities for children and youths with autism (particularly those in the moderate to severe range) during the school holidays (http://www.awakeningminds.sg/amw/holiday_activities.html)

In the long term, with more funding and resources, we hope to provide these activities all-year-round for youths and adults with autism (including Sebastien), which are badly needed in Singapore.

The remaining 70% of the sales will go towards Sebastien, the artist, for his challenging future. To date, Sebastien has sold 100 paintings. His paintings and his story have helped to raise awareness about the importance of supporting individuals with autism to navigate through their life journey.

Finally, do check out our win-win proposition for you to raise funds for your social causes, as well as AMW and Sebastien: http://www.awakeningminds.sg/sebs_raw_art.html 

To learn more about Sebastien and me, please view MediaCorp’s “Joy Truck”, Episode 8, aired in July 2013:

Please do share this email with others and thank you in advance for your help,

Kah Ying

contact: kchoo7@gmail.com