Happy Holidays from A Mother's Wish!
Dear everyone:
As 2014 draws to a close, we are pleased to have conducted our third “A Mother’s Wish” (AMW) Holiday Programme for individuals with moderate to severe autism! The holiday programme constitutes our baby steps towards the vision of creating a community that provides affordable quality programmes all-year-round.
This time around, our participants took part in eight activities—two baking sessions; football & functional training; building a miniature garden; drama and embodied movement; and assembling a household item. We are most grateful to our service providers, assistants, volunteers, and families for their involvement and support. They embody AMW’s model of collective caregiving — spreading the responsibility of caring for individuals with autism across the community.
To ensure that the AMW holiday programme activities (http://www.awakeningminds.sg/ amw/holiday_activities.html) are affordable for families, the costs of the programme are subsidised by the AMW fund. So if you are looking for some unique Christmas gifts, please check out AMW’s product offerings (http://www.awakeningminds.sg/ amw/our_products.html). They include Sebastien’s original paintings, his unique hand-crafted collage, and merchandise inspired by his artwork. This year, we also collaborated with MDIS School of Fashion and Design students to develop designs for a T-shirt, tote bag, and other products, inspired by Sebastien, his artwork, and AMW.
Please contact Kah Ying at choo.kahying@awakeningminds.sg for more information and purchases.
Thank you in advance for your support and enjoy a wonderful holiday season.Kah Ying