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Journey into the autistic world.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Writeup about A Mother's Wish June Holiday Programme for Autistic Individuals

Dear everyone:
We have just completed our 4th A Mother’s Wish (AMW) holiday programme with 11 activities (June 5–19, 2015) for 17 autistic participants! Once again, we would like to give special thanks to our community-in-the-making — the autistic participants, their families and helpers, service providers, and last, but not least, the volunteers! This time around, our motley group of volunteers were sourced from all quarters —students from Raffles Girls’ School, Hwa Chong JC, Meridian JC, and NUS, working adults, friends of acquaintances, and even my sister and niece.
At this juncture, with four holiday programmes under our belt, we would like to take a step back to look at how we have been doing from a ‘big-picture’ perspective: 
  • Our community is evolving with new and returning participants and their families… 
  • Our work with ever-changing participants is growing more complex and we are exploring alternative programmes to address challenges...
  • Our pool of volunteers is expanding and we will be introducing training for our volunteers for the next holiday programme in December... 
Please go to: http://awakeningminds.sg/amw/updates/updates_2015.html to read more about these reflections, the day-by-day descriptions of the activities, and the accompanying photos!

To help fund AMW's activities, you can purchase a painting by Jean-Sebastien Choo, an artist with autism (30% goes to AMW, 70% to the artist); products featuring his artwork (90% to AMW, 10% artist); or contact me to find out how you can contribute direct funding to AMW (100%). 

Thank you in advance for your support,

Kah Ying